Reggio Emilia is called the City of the Tricolour because the tricolour flag was adopted here in 1797 to become within few years the national flag. The “Sala del Tricolore” is a highly symbolic place – not only for the city, but for the whole Italian nation. In Corso Garibaldi the “Basilica della Ghiara” represents a real anthology of Emilian painting of the seventeenth century and cherishes works by Guercino, Carracci, Tiarini and Lelio Orsi.

Another jewel is the Baroque Basilica of St. Prospero, for which the reneaissance painter Antonio Allegri (so-called il Correggio) painted “The Holy Night”, one of his greater masterpieces. In this Basilica is kept a copy of the painting, while the original one is exposed in the Old Masters Gallery of Dresden.